Biofluorescence: Revealing the Nightlife of Animals
Biofluorescence: Revealing the Nightlife of Animals
The nocturnal world of animals is fascinating, yet largely unexplored. In this darkness, a group of creatures are employing an extraordinary method to interact and adapt - biofluorescence. The ability to absorb short wavelength light and re-emit it as longer wavelength light has opened up new avenues for research in understanding animal behavior better. Biofluorescence unveils the night-time activities of these mysterious species in a whole new 'light'. So come join us as we delve into the luminescent world of animals under the cover of darkness. What is Biofluorescence? Biofluorescence refers to a natural phenomenon where certain organisms absorb light at a specific wavelength and re-emit it at a longer wavelength, resulting in a distinctive glow. Distinct from bioluminescence, which...